When is next season?

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When is next season?

Post by Bilbo »

Hello there.

I'm new around here and was wondering when will your next season start? I couldn't find this information anywhere on the site, at least in the parts accessible to me.

I'm a recent convert to "no aids" F1 driving and have been pointed here by Lars Lundgren (a.k.a. LGL) after he helped me (thanks!) overcome some problems at Suzuka (I currently have a best of 1:35.5 there and I'm still improving). I still don't master all the tracks though (there's only so much time in a day) and I'm kinda debating wether I should apply to join this league now or wait until I get REAL good everywhere and THEN apply here. Hence the above question about the season start; the farther away it is, the more comfortable I would actually be about applying here while there is room. If it starts too soon, I may just skip the next season and hope I can join for the one after that. Of course, it also depends on this league's "tolerance" to "average" (but continuously improving) drivers. One thing is sure, the more time I'm allowed, the faster (and probably safer too) I'll be due to increased practice time (although I don't expect to break any of your records as some of the times posted here are just amazing!).

Sorry for the long post for what I now, re-reading myself, realize should have been short question.
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Post by Alx »

That is a very good time my friend if you just started driving no aids!!
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Post by killahead »

Hey Bilbo.

Next season will start some time after new year's. jan-feb-march sometime....
Our attitude towards new members is that if you are prepared to take it serious and still have fun you are welcome. There are no requirements for you to be a fast driver.

/ Martin
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Post by carrera »

I think what killa is trying to say is...watch your mirrors and please have a good connection..pleeeeease...make sure you know the fastest guys in the league and their cars cuz when they come to lap you you want to like ...get the hell out of the way quick...I am a newbie from last year and I can say one thing Bilbo (baggins?)...you'll like driving with the nar boys...they are definitely the most respectable drivers online...if you do drive remember to listen to the 2 heads behind it all ---Killahead and Dan the Man---who make this logistical nightmare possible...1:35 in suzuka?? yep that'll do it...LGL taught you that??...damn that LGL is busy...well i taught my cat how to chase a lazer light.thats how much extra time i have
...LOL....not a lot speaking of which i have to get back to work...
p.s you have lots of time to practise Bilbo :D :D :D
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Post by Bilbo »

Cool, thanks everyone for the informations and the warm welcome! 8)

I have started racing with "no aids" only about 2 weeks ago but I'm liking it very much. What got me started was visiting a new website, setup-guru (not sure about url-posting policy here), where someone called "Lars Lundgren" (your LGL) posted those amazingly great F1C setups (which I believe a few other NAR members collaborated on). I also noticed he was part of a league called "No Aids Racing" and I told myself "hey, why not try that, driving with no aids at all!" (I was only using low traction-control and clutch assistance anyways). This happened at a time when I was getting almost depressed because I had stopped improving on the Suzuka 2002 track (1:38s, stock "Japan" setup) and was not happy at my lack of consistency (which made setup work hard to do). The combination of switching off the aids and using the LGL-posted setup (and being told that some guys were easily doing 1:34s and less) really got me into high-gear and I'm now quite pleased with myself even though I know I can still improve. Finally, LGL repeatedly pointed me here (from setup-guru) and I thank him for that too.

I'm looking for a league as much (maybe even more) for the "social" aspects as for the competition itself. I have some past multiplayer experience in ICR1-2 (a lot), GP2 (lag!), NR4(some)-NR2003(not much, mostly SS on Papy, trying to drive around wreckers and wrecks) and MCO (from beta to death, played much more at the start than at the end, member of 3DSpeed club all that time). I always try to be safer to others than to myself (I might hit a wall or spin myself out trying not to hit someone). I'll go out of my way to get out of yours, definitely if being lapped. I also know about lag and keeping safe distances.

I have read the NAR Rules & Regulations, the Track Cutting "guide" (well done), most of the races & rules observations in the News section and these are all things I respect and agree with. If not, I would not have posted here at all and would have continued to play by myself or looked for another league. So far, I find everything I've seen, the site, the forums and the people very attracting and I'm pretty sure we'll have fun together (if you can stand my long posts, for which I have a bad tendency even though English is not my first-language, just like many other people I guess). I'm still not sure you are all humans though, judging by the times posted on the Standings pages... :wink:

The start of the next season is pretty much when I had hoped it would be, so I'll probably fill the application form tomorrow (getting late now, this post is taking much longer than I initially thought it would).

Carrera: What kind of connection would I need? I've got cable with 40kB/s upload (which could be upgraded to 80 if really needed but that wouldn't change the pings on an overseas connection). I also just read the thread where you were saying you were quitting because of lag and it has me a bit worried (but since you still seem to be here, I guess you changed your mind or got a better connection).

Finally, if anyone cares, YES, my nym is from the books (I have never met or even heard of a real person named Bilbo). I had just started to read LOTR when I started BBS'ing (back in the days of the C-64 and 300 baud modems) and I've been known online as Bilbo (or slight variations of it) ever since (which now represents 2/3rd of my life, ouch!). :oops:

Sorry for another big post :roll: and looking to be racing with you someday!
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Post by carrera »

Yo Bilbo,
Actually my connection did improve after the fires down south in Barrier and Mclure.I have a cable connection which is not shared by as many people in the big cities...After the fire burned up the main cable in Mclure they replaced it and my connection speed increased...I prefer cable although I have the option of going high tier on dsl..I just don't like having to reset the modem in dsl from time to time.I have never had to do it with cable..Cable has always been good to me...do I sound biased here???..anyway Bilbo...I host a 99 league with 10 people involved and we have no problems...With 20 people it can be sometimes...just pay attention to what Dan the Man posts and you will do fine...also remember that Dan makes the nar season...narspy and any other mods for nar racers...so when you talk tech...he's the man to talk to...
now you can go ahead and post some times if you like...everyone here will give you theirs...and be ready to be shocked at some of the times...
Some of our drivers are either totally nuts or very talented..Me well...I've been told I am totally nuts in and out of my car..LOL...
carrera 8) 8) 8)
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Post by Bilbo »

I too like my cable very much. Even though I live in a big city, my actual neighborhood is a residential area populated mostly of retired people who don't seem to spend their days downloading pr0n, so my connection is usually at max speed (at least locally).

Also, if I figured things correctly, the races would be on Sunday afternoon here (Eastern Canada) which should not be a too busy time, connection-wise.

If anyone has to talk technical to me, please don't be afraid as IRL I lead a small team developing network applications for the financial sector. This also has the side-effect that I sometimes assume a level of computer knowledge from others which might not be as common as I think. Don't hesitate to tell me if I sometimes talk too much "technical".

As for posting times, I'm just a recent "no aids" convert and I have only seriously practiced at Suzuka where my best is currently 1:35.3 (targeting high 1:34s). I like training at Suzuka as I think it has a sample of just every kind of curves available at the other tracks. I also did a quick test at Montreal (home track) and did 1:19.0 on my first try but this will likely go down very fast once I really start working on it.

And BTW, I AM already shocked by the times posted on the standings page! Almost on the same subject, thanks to the powers that be for making the race replays available for download. In addition to showing that these kind of times CAN be achieved, it's a great learning tool for the less experienced in F1C.

Don't worry about the nut-thing, you (and the others too) look quite OK (so far)!
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Post by botterley »

hello and happy new year everybody,

i would like to join the nar. i m french and i m in the CFF1 championship.

now i m trying to drive without aids. it would be a very big pleasure to be with you .

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Post by carrera »

Hello Botterly,
Welcome to the forum....
I have heard of CFF1 before and assu that they use aids of some sort.
Our head Honchos here are Killa and Dan the man...Killa being the the head Honcho to ask about joining.Dan the Man resides over all our technical addons and creates the "NAR Season"every year.
My advice to you is to put alot of time in practising with noaids at all...
also any info on how you drive(driving style) would be nice...
It would be nice to have another Frenchman join the league as these swedish guys are whoopin our butts..LOL... :D :D :D ...
rules are posted in site...but most importantly...don't have a temper...just laugh it off when there is a 21 car pileup with your name on it :D :D :D
fun fun fun...win or lose it still is a blast racing with these guys :twisted:
carrera 8) 8) 8)
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Post by botterley »

hello carrera,

i m driving without aids since 1 day. my record on tantra nurburgring is 1 31 100.

i try to be clean on race with the others. i posted a mail 3 days ago in

"join" section to be in the sauber team ( heidfeld ) . now i m waiting .

and it would be fantastic to be with you for the fun ... and my english.

see you
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Post by Bilbo »

Hello Botterley and welcome.

I am a recent no-aids convert too (last november). What I find the hardest thing in no-aids driving is getting to be consistent lap after lap. The margin for error is much narrower with the aids off and mistakes seem to cost much more too, so it's probably better to err on the side of safety for a while, until you get the (new) feeling of the car and become almost a "natural" like most of the guys here (I'm not implying that I'm at this stage yet, far from it, but at least I'm steadily improving and feel much more comfortable now than at the beginning). Practice makes perfect and it's really true.

Also, while I'm not French (I'm just a French Canadian of [many generations past] French origins), I still speak French as my primary language.

Bienvenue et bonne chance! :)
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