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G25, F1 Champions and why am I doing this to myself?????

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 21:40
by Echoshill

I ran my first laps in your mod (and an F1 "car") in almost (3) years. Aside from the endless stream of profanity and sound of the car smacking every wall in was a very spiritual experience.

I found myself pondering many things whilst lapping. Everything from, God things sure do happen fast with these cars to, Gee, I think I liked my MoMo better for F1 than this here G25 thing-a-mah-bob.

With that in mind, I was wondering if anyone using a G25 would be willing to share there controller ini file with me. If so, please PM me and I will give you my email address.

Thanks in advance.


Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 21:48
by Flow
Carrera have it, but he is out of NAR for a while, he have to take care of his brother and family.

Posted: 13 Mar 2007, 18:55
by klaaz
can we trade?i hate my momo. my adress is ........few tips on settings:

Beware isi updates/installs set the Digital RATES to a active level, wich is actually mend for controllers and not for analog movemend, so minimize all rates.
A stable base set wil also help you, i can send on if you like but i bet in active session others wil also help you out.
Hope to see you on track soon, we can compare the state of our back/spine :) by testing how can do the longest stints :)

Posted: 14 Mar 2007, 19:15
by Drago(ITA)
hi Echoshill,
This are all the settings i use with my G25 and some pics of my last mod on it :) :

Posted: 14 Mar 2007, 19:19
by Drago(ITA)
Some other pics (don't care of the mess in the room :D ) :

Posted: 14 Mar 2007, 19:28
by Drago(ITA)
Steering Wheel Range="299" // Degrees of rotation of in-game steering wheel

This line in controller.ini is usefull to match the rotation of the wheel in game to the same degrees you turn the steer.
So take care this value is the same you set in the profiler.
I should have 360 there instead of 299, but i was trying that value at that time when i took the screenshot.

Posted: 14 Mar 2007, 19:59
by Coffeemachine
you insane man... :D

Posted: 14 Mar 2007, 21:22
by Echoshill
That is so awesome. Nice rig. I will DL the file tonight when I get home.


Posted: 14 Mar 2007, 21:49
by killahead
cool rig Drago!

Anyone remember TK? He had a rig where he had built in speakers in the chair so he almost got FF in the chair! hmmm....I wonder if I dont had some pictures of that one....

Posted: 14 Mar 2007, 21:54
by killahead
ahh...found them....and also Tackmans rig...THAT was awesome too!

Posted: 14 Mar 2007, 21:55
by killahead

Posted: 14 Mar 2007, 21:56
by killahead
Tackmans rig. He is a former NAR champion!

Posted: 15 Mar 2007, 01:04
by Bilbo
Damn, those seats are worth more than the PCs! :shock: No wonder I'm so slow, I'm only racing in an old office chair (the 4-wheel style which has been outlawed for as long as I can remember) that I bought USED 24 years ago! (yes, I had to redo the padding a few times)

I also like how Tackman's pedals are held with duct tape! 8)

Posted: 15 Mar 2007, 14:41
by killahead
Bilbo wrote:Damn, those seats are worth more than the PCs! :shock: No wonder I'm so slow, I'm only racing in an old office chair (the 4-wheel style which has been outlawed for as long as I can remember) that I bought USED 24 years ago! (yes, I had to redo the padding a few times)

I also like how Tackman's pedals are held with duct tape! 8)

Duct tape is the shit!

Posted: 15 Mar 2007, 14:48
by philmax
Bilbo wrote:Damn, those seats are worth more than the PCs! :shock: No wonder I'm so slow, I'm only racing in an old office chair (the 4-wheel style which has been outlawed for as long as I can remember) that I bought USED 24 years ago! (yes, I had to redo the padding a few times)

I also like how Tackman's pedals are held with duct tape! 8)
:lol: don't worry m8 me too :lol:

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 05:49
by Coffeemachine
hrm, am i the only one noticing the guy on the wall beside tackmans rig?

very straight......hehum.

ill try and get some pictures of my monstorous rig for you guys!

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 13:32
by Coffeemachine it is, finally...the rig to acuire!

As of today ´my upshift button is (almost) totally busted (well they both are, both buttons are missing but downshift works anyway)..after running 3 races shifting on the sensors for the buttons i guess thats what happens :)
im using another wheel to route my pedals, and since the connection wheel/pedals also is busted, the brake pedal doesnt work full range. so i had to put a piece of wood behind it. For the accelerator, i noticed i didnt get full power (no wonder monaco felt so there i put 3 poker chips behind to support and give it a definite end position. The wheel i sometimes duct tape to the desk so it doesnt slide around, but ive gotten thired of that lately so now i just drive and see what happens. Needles to say, the wheel turns roughly 180 degrees..woho!
these are the secrets to speed

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 13:33
by Coffeemachine
busted buttons on both sides...

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 22:52
by dutch power
You sneaky old bastard :twisted:

Since when do you have that BRD equipment Killa, you never talked about that its just that i noticed those pics today lol.

I can show you mine sim but hence i think i first have to fix a few things to let it look a bit better. Those rigs from killa and tack are pretty damn cool. :D

Posted: 08 Jun 2007, 09:01
by Coffeemachine
not killa silly :) TK and tackman